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the sure song of here is a compilation of poems to bring you home into your senses. this breath. this person that you are. this moment in time. this beating heart. to trust in your reckoning. to let the spark plug of truth ignite your fire inside. to see how each and every step brings you into realizing the perfection of it all, as the pages land as seeds of remembrance for this human experience. this book is a living prayer. a marker of miracles. to give you the space to feel alive and home in your bones. your skin. your flesh. your eyes. to give you the space for belief to fill the gaps. as you land into a deeper sense of belonging. and allow the pulse of this book to remind you of all you already know. and all you already are. let it rip you alive. remind you of your roar and your rose inside. as it threads together the pieces for your inner rebellion to grant flight to your wings.


Beach at Sunset

the sure song




​a #1 bestseller

The sure song of here is a compilation of poems to bring you home into your senses. This breath. This person that you are. This moment in time. This beating heart. To trust in your reckoning. To let the spark plug of truth ignite your fire inside.

To see how each and every step brings you into realizing the perfection of it all, as the pages land as seeds of remembrance for this human experience. This book is a living prayer. A marker of miracles. To give you the space to feel alive and home in your bones. Your skin. Your flesh. Your eyes.

To give you the space for belief to fill the gaps. As you land into a deeper sense of belonging. And allow the pulse of this book to remind you of all you already know. And all you already are. Let it rip you alive. Remind you of your roar and your rose inside. As it threads together the pieces for your inner rebellion to grant flight to your wings.

Reading this book from front to back is a remembrance. The freshest breath you’ve tasted all year. It’s calmness to the heart. And broken down cage doors to the free bird inside. It’s unleashed in its essence. Begging for all of you to land here as truth. Congratulating you on exactly where you are in this cycle that repeats itself over and over.

Image by Gareth Harper

there is a place inside

so still —

that not even a speck of a hurricane

can touch

not even a wave

from the depths

of the oceans


can quake


there is a place inside

that sleeps with

love + beauty

a place where the

sky illuminates

every part to

have it’s moment


and yet the pulse

the cadence

the rhythm

is held by

the sure

song of

here —

right here

and nowhere to go

no one to be

no one to impress


for the yellow bush

dances in her glory

from within


/ Cassedy O'Neill, written in the desert of Joshua Tree at sunset

Colorful Nature

What the readers have said:

"If you have ever thought that there is more for you in this world than what's written inside the box, this collection is for you. Cass captures the spirit of belonging in your own skin, and then taking flight from there."

Julius, Europe


Published Words
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Open the heart as wide as we can kind of life. Owning the power of our words kind of life.

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